Men's Pajamas

I have a habit of starting searches on Google or Yelp with "the best"...the best thai food in Noe Valley, the best probiotics, the best lambskin jacket and it was no different when I went on a search for the best menswear pajamas for women. Some requirements were that they had to be cotton, soft, cool to the skin, a little sexy (not girly) and not form fitting or static nightmares. I have been searching, I haven't really found the perfect pair but here is some inspiration.

Feeling the Change

Well, I've been in San Francisco for about nine months and I am picking up again. I am going back to the East Coast for a new adventure. After all these years, I am still learning to embrace change. Wish me luck.

Don't Hate the Drop Crotch

BIG LOVE...coveting jewels

Welcome to the Comfort Zone

In quitting my job, I took a big leap to change things in my life. Six months ago, I got rid of all those clothes that no longer fit or looked good on me. Now, I am suffering from an identity crisis and hating all the leftovers. Recently, I have seen a movement towards people opting for a capsule wardrobe or uniform to simplify their lives. I am not sure if this movement is for me, but this look hits the "comfort" bill. It is like a outdoor version of pajama.